Sydney 04:48

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Account Details

Personal Details

Contact Details


Address 2

Educational Details

Educational Details 2

Educational Details 3

Medical Registration

Practice 1

Practice 2

Curriculum Vitae (Required)

Are you a member of the ACP, UIP or a UIP Member Society?

UIP or ACP Member Course Selection

This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 1 Basic training structure.
This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 2 and year 3 Advanced training structure.
This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 4 Basic training structure.
This selection will provide access to all modules.

Non-UIP or ACP Member Course Selection

This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 1 Basic training structure. ($2,200)
This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 2 and year 3 Advanced training structure. ($3,300)
This selection will provide access to all modules listed under the year 4 Basic training structure. ($2,200)
This selection will provide access to all modules. ($5,500)
Please select course

Register to Access Online Training

Secured The connection to this site is encrypted and authenticated.

Bank transfers will be accepted for an additional $100.00 administration fee for manual processing.
If you select this option you will not gain access to the modules until payment is made and confirmed by the college.
Click here to register for this option.

You will not gain access to the modules until confirmed by the college.

*For current conversion rate please use the following link

You Pay: $

As you have chosen to pay by direct deposit you will not gain access until payment of AUD$ has been received by the College.

The bank details are below:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name: The Australasian College of Phlebology
BSB: 062808
Account Number: 10038544

Click here to use credit card for payment.